Business Insider - BII This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here. Brands are scrambling to get targeted ads onto various digital platforms, but one crucial segment is rejecting those ads in droves. Millennial and Gen Z shoppers ages 16 to 39 said in a new report from Lithium Technologies that the paid ads in their feeds are turning them off from using some social media platforms. In fact, 74% of this group said they dislike targeted ads on social media. Moreover, 57% of younger consumers said they had either reduced or altogether stopped the use of some social media platforms because of targeted ads in the news feed. But on the flip side, 53% of these people said they trust social networks when researching products to buy online, and this includes ads served by the site. But just 29% of Gen X and Baby Boomers agreed. Finally, 85% of respondents under age 39 said they trust platforms that offer product reviews, such